volunteer with one of the "small" lions

the children of the Lubasi orphanage

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Zambia Day 5: Dead Donkeys, Lion Poop, Birds and Orphans

Today started on a very stinky note.  Julia and Bob helped prepare meals for the lions.  Unfortunately for us this meant that we had to cut and weigh large pieces of dead (and very stinky) donkey. 

After completing this unsavory task, we next de-pooped a lion enclosure.  This was a dream compared to working with dead donkeys!

Fortunately lions are fed only once every 5 days, or more if they capture their own food.  With a bit of luck we will not have to do any more meat preparation!

The morning’s activities weren’t all drudgery.  Later in the morning we went bird watching with binoculars in hand.  The locals pointed out several exotic bird species, all within a 300 meter radius of our dwelling.  We did not have an armed guide with us, thus it was not safe to venture much farther. 

In the afternoon we visited an orphanage in Livingstone called “Lubasi Home”.   We brought a suitcase full of gifts for the children at the orphanage.  The gifts included clothing, soccer jerseys, toys and enough calculators for every child.  We also visited the market next to the orphanage.  Some of the food sold in the market (dried caterpillar for example) made dead donkey seem like a delicacy!  

Bob weighing the head of a donkey.  There are worse jobs; just ask the donkeys!

We were surprised to find a solar oven donated to Lubasi Orphanage from various Rotary clubs including 3 in Ontario
Yuck....dried caterpillars!

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