volunteer with one of the "small" lions

the children of the Lubasi orphanage

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 12: Lions and Culture

Today Julia and Bob walked lions in both the morning and afternoon.

In between the two lion walks, two of the lion handlers met with us to provide education on the Zambian culture and history.  The culture is certainly much different than North American culture.  For example, women dress much more conservatively.  Married women must always have their legs covered to below their knees.  If not, they are thought to have bad manners and the blame is placed on their parents.  When a couple plans to get married, the parents meet and negotiate the appropriate fee (i.e. 12 goats) that the groom’s family must pay the bride’s family.  When a wife brings her husband food or drink or any other item, she is expected to kneel when presenting the item to him, as a sign of respect.

The accommodations have been rustic but adequate.  No air conditioning but each room has a fan.  One bathroom is shared by up to 12 people.  Currently we are sharing it with a group of 8.  All meals have been provided and we have not gone hungry. 

Bob completed reading a book called “Into Africa; the Adventures of Stanley and Livingstone”.  A great read for anyone who likes true adventure stories.

Tomorrow is our last full day here as we leave for home on Tuesday.

The lions are awaiting their walk.

The Volunteer's House - Our room is on the far left.

Our bedroom!

The Dining Room and the entrance to our bedroom.

The communal bathroom!  There is a shower in the corner.

1 comment:

  1. Bob & Julia all your pictures are amazing. It looks like you have had a wonderful experience. I just love the pictures of the Lions, Elephants and the children too.
    Have a safe trip back home.
    Your sis, Christine
