volunteer with one of the "small" lions

the children of the Lubasi orphanage

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Zambia Day 8: A Return to Maunga Village & A Maiden Trip to Victoria Falls

This morning Bob and Julia returned to Maunga Village.  This time we were armed with a very thoughtful xmas gift Julia bought Bob:  binoculars.  We also brought our digital cameras, a laptop computer, and, of course, a bag full of candy.

The village kids loved looking through the binoculars and enjoyed the candy.  Most fascinating for the kids was looking at digital photos of themselves uploaded to the computer.  For a village without electricity, this feat must have looked like magic.

The kids gathered together (about 20 of them) and sang a song for us as well as showed us how to play a game.

Prior to all the fun, we spent 1 hour weeding a garden in the village, with many of the children helping out.

In the afternoon, we visited Victoria Falls.  These falls are 1700 m in length.  They were a spectacular sight and very different from Niagara Falls in many ways.  Most significantly, the falls are surrounded by a beautiful park/rain-forest that gets constant mist from the falls.  We thoroughly enjoyed the visit to Victoria Falls.
Bob gets mobbed when he breaks out the candy

Bob gets mobbed when he breaks out the lap top computer

Victoria Falls at the downstream edge

Victoria Falls at the upstream edge

1 comment:

  1. Very happy to see you're feeling better, Julia. Great pics of you and the falls. They look spectacular and I believe are one of the 7 wonders of the natural world.
    You must of blown those children's minds with your camera and computer. Heartbreaking to hear about the AIDS casualties.

    The big news at home is the Canadian Junior Hockey team lost 5-3 to Russia in the game for Gold after being up 3-0. Russia scored 5 goals in 10 shots on net in the third period. Big disappointment.
