volunteer with one of the "small" lions

the children of the Lubasi orphanage

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Our last Blog: Days 13 and 14

Julia and Bob are writing their blog today from the airport en route home. 

We spent Monday morning walking lions for the last time of our trip, and likely the last time ever!  We have resigned ourselves to the reality that once we get home we will have to settle with walking Nitro, our exceptionally stupid, but very loveable, miniature schnauzer, instead. 

Bob conspired with the lion encounter program manager and convinced Julia that we would be “collecting litter” on Monday afternoon.  Julia found this quite perplexing as she could not recall seeing litter anywhere.  As Monday afternoon arrived it was revealed that we were going to spend the afternoon, night and morning at a nearby resort on the Zambezi River.  The resort was quite beautiful and quite an improvement from where we had been living.  As there was no internet availability at the resort, we could not write our blog.

We spent Monday afternoon sipping wine and watching baby monkeys frolicking in the trees on the resort.  Monday night was spent having dinner overlooking the river, watching/listening to the nearby hippos and admiring a beautiful reddish-orange sunset. 

Tuesday morning we said our goodbyes to everyone, including Baby the bushbuck who dropped by to see us off.  We have begun our 31 hour journey home!
Julia peers from the front porch of our own private hut, overlooking the Zambezi river

Inside our private hut.  It was quite luxurious!

Two adults and a baby monkey

Baby the bushbuck dropped by Tuesday morning to say goodbye!

1 comment:

  1. Great last post. Save the best for last. Bob, you're such a romantic. A great way to finish your two weeks of adventure and what seemed like alot of grueling tasks in 38 degree weather. Must of felt like heaven.

    And as the Irish say "you're welcome home!"
